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A tireless and unwavering

negotiator and deal broker.

A Win-Win Combination

25 years of litigation,

trial and ADR


An unbiased, creative
and fresh perspective,
for resolving the most
difficult disputes

Committed to working
with you to make the process transparent and driven to results



As a staunch advocate of a more creative, cooperative, and less costly approach to resolving litigation without the warring mentality, I do this work to help parties in a dispute see the light at the end of the tunnel, avoid land mines and alleviate the expense and stress that comes with conflict.

Having spent the last 25 years of my career litigating business, commercial and personal disputes on both sides of the table, I have seen the toll that litigation can take financially and emotionally. My innate ability and desire for helping parties in a conflict come together to find creative solutions is what prompted me to start my mediation and arbitration practice. I am a devoted believer in alternatives to a competitive and risky process and help parties work cooperatively to find the most favorable result for everyone involved.


Getting individuals and businesses out of risky and costly situations before they spiral out of control, even where it looks like there is no solution, and helping people solve their problems is what motivates me and is most gratifying. I bring an understanding of both the business issues and the human elements at play that impact decision-making and are causes of impasse, along with an ability to connect with people, listen and influence decisions.

“Matt is an excellent mediator for employment cases. In a recent mediation of a case I thought could not settle, the parties selected Matt as mediator. He quickly grasped the legal and factual issues making the separate caucuses much more productive. It was apparent Matt really knew and could articulate the facts from the perspective of a neutral. This helped the client understand the strengths and weaknesses of the case. We believe his efforts also had great effect in the other room with the other parties. Very nicely done!”

D. Michael Reilly, Attorney

Lane Powell PC

Timing is key. The earlier you consult with a mediator in designing an approach for dispute resolution, the earlier you will get closure. 

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